Monday, May 16, 2011

Do Bow, Dear Sir.

Yesterday, while I was meant to be studying for my Biology/Maths exams, I felt like I needed to do something productive. Yes, yes, studying is productive, I suppose.

It is also tearfully dull.

So. I decided to train Bruno to do something, since I haven't trained him past any of his usual tricks. He can sit, go down, heel, come, and more recently, sleep and bow.

I taught him Sleep about a month ago, when I had another of these I'm-so-bored fits. Yesterday, I taught him how to bow. It took me a while, but I maintain that he is the smartest dog in the world - he got what I was trying to teach him pretty quickly, really. I'm quite proud that he remembered the command today as well. I think eventually, I'll turn it into a whole martial-arts sequence. Make him bow, and then go into combat. That sounds cool, no?

The video I've put up was taken today - this morning, in fact. You can see for yourself how well he's learnt. There were a few hiccups, of course, and I had to repeat a couple of commands - but do bear in mind that he is, in addition to being intelligent, hopelessly stubborn. Stubborn enough that you have to literally drag him out of a room via his rear legs if he decides he's too lazy to stand up and move himself.

And. Mum says to please ignore the laundry in the back. I think it proves we're a normal household, but apparently not. *shrugs* Up to you.


In other news, Physics went alright. You know how you think you did pretty well, and then people start talking about it and you're like, "uh, shit. I'm failing"?

Yeah, well. My advice? People. Stop, for the love of all things ice-cream-related, talking about the exams. The paper's over. There's no need to make the rest of us feel so shitty.

Recently, I wrapped up some loose ends with some old friends. We'd been in an argument in which I was in the wrong. I wrote a massive apology though, sent it, and all seems to be well. I'm glad. I'd really prefer not having any enemies or such when I leave for Uni. Fresh start and all that.

Anyway. Biology beckons.


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