Not only have I come across an abnormal number of geckos here, but today, I found a bug on my lamp.
Okay, first thing you should know: I don't kill bugs and lizards and stuff just randomly. I threaten to do it a lot (mostly to the said bugs and lizards, and occasionally to my animal-loving mother). But I'm terrified of actually touching a bug, so getting close enough to kill it is not usually an option.
I took the dog out earlier tonight. As usual, I let him out the back door. As I waited for him to finish up, I turned back to the house. The door was open, allowing a bit of the air conditioning from inside to reach me - it's really, really humid outside these days. I was going to take step toward it, when I glanced down.
Bug. HUGE bug. On its back, moving its legs madly and trying to flip the right way up again. I am basically trapped outside the house, because no way in HELL am I stepping over that thing. A genuine fear was that it was going to fly up my shorts. It would finally manage to get to its feet and zip right up there in the second it took for me to step over it.
So. Bruno's absolutely no help, because he's still doing his business. Even if I had called his attention to the bug, he'd have done something stupid. Like eat it.
So I walked all the way around the house to the front. Walked up to the doorbell. Rang it. I couldn't yell for anyone to come downstairs from the back door because then the neighbours would hear, and they'd be all, oh, look at that eighteen-year-old girl afraid to go back into her house because of a little bug.
So my brother came down to see what was the matter. He came to the back door, bless him, instead of going straight to the front. I think he knows I'm an idiot.
He saw the bug, grabbed the broom, and swept it right out to where I was standing. I screamed (screw the neighbours), leaped onto the bit of wall next to me, and Bruno came running. At least he didn't eat the bug. Didn't even see it, really, just came to see why I was yelling like the massive scaredy-cat I am.
We went inside, and that was that.
And we're back to the bug on my lamp. This entire episode is like I'm living in Sri Lanka again. I love the place, but damn. Too many bugs.
I freaked out, but everyone's sleeping right now. It was past 2 in the morning, see. It's 3 as I write this. I couldn't scream, lest I wake everyone up. Keep in mind, I don't kill bugs lightly. I am terrified of them, and I generally don't like to kill them unless they're sucking my blood, or there's the possibility of them crawling into my ear. In that case, as they say, From God we came, and unto Him we shall return.
Seeing as my lamp is right next to my bed, I find that I am justified in the killing of this one.
So. Three layers of tissue paper. A silent scream as I grabbed it with the tissue, and the thing you do with your legs where you're all, "OMG EWWWW" in your head. You know, like in the movies. And then a quick dash into the bathroom, and flush.
I'm not even going to get started on the gecko that I happen to know is living in my room.
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