I've claimed for a few years now that I'm a pretty good driver. Good enough that I can avoid danger and do all the crazy shit like speed and overtake people (<-- this is sarcasm. I do not consider overtaking people very daredevil like.) and flash the lights at stupid (slow people in the fast lane) drivers.
Proof of this is that I've never been in a serious accident.
In a car, anyway.
Yesterday, I needed to run a few errands for Mum. When I came back, I turned off the ignition and stepped out of the car with my handbag, and thought I heard a few coins drop. Since I was sincerely distracted in that moment (I heard the clink, and I'm brown), I somehow managed to slam the car door shut...
Right onto my finger.
I nearly screamed, but didn't. Instead, I had to shut my eyes and lean against the wall, cradling my injured hand, breathing deeply. I actually felt dizzy with the pain. Then, taking another deep breath, I hurried inside and called for my mother, who whisked me away to a world of bandages and painkillers.
I have to admit that, for a second during the pain-induced haze, I thought I might never get to be an architect now. My future was ruined because I heard a few coins hit the pavement, and now I'd be on the pavement begging for coins. I wouldn't be able to make models or draw or anything.
But then clarity (and my mother) hit me. I injured my left hand, not right, and I'm right-handed. And it was just one finger, that too the ring finger, which doesn't really do much in the grand scheme of things. Also, I apparently have a tendency to over-dramatize.
Not true.
Please pray for my swift recovery. I don't know how long I can last with this finger before someone decides it needs to be amputated or something.
Ja ne.
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