Sunday, July 3, 2011

Random Epiphanies

This is a truly random post. Do not read if you're in the mood for a story. Do, if you just like reading random stuff.

I don't quite remember how I came to think about the subject, but I wondered why black generally represents evil and white represents all things good. 

From my reading of Regency England times, I know that virgins and others who wished to be 
considered 'pure' would wear white to their debutante balls and whatnot, while black was worn for mourning. Angels depicted in the paintings (and truthfully, in our own imagination) have lovely soft white wings and wear white robes, while devils...okay, no, devils don't wear much black, do they? They go for red, but I think that's because of the whole we fight with fire thing.

Anyway, I thought that maybe the reason for this was actually in the colours hidden themselves.

White, for instance, is actually a merging of all the different colours of the rainbow, isn't it? At least, it is from what I remember of my IGCSE Physics days. So maybe white represents goodness because it represents colour? Of all the colours of the rainbow come together as one? That in turn could mean unity, peace, and all that other jazz. I'm clearly not doing a very good job of explaining this little epiphany of mine.

Black, on the other hand, is the result of a lack of light. Of colour. So when you think of black, you think of the fact that it truly is an abyss.

For the record, I don't actually consider people with dark skin-tones black. They are just people who are darkly tanned or whatever. Same goes for the 'white' folks. So do NOT come to me later saying that I'm racist, because I'm not, and I will smack you if you do.

Anyway, this isn't a particularly deep thought, but I wanted to share.

Ja ne.